A First Taste...

The attractions of the farmers' markets are not limited to the wonderful farmers' and their produce alone. The Sunday market at the Marin Civic Center has wonderful food purveyors. We had a little vanilla ice cream from Three Twins leftover from having company yesterday. So we thought we would finish it off. Fortunately, I had a bit of Robert Lambert's Mexican chocolate sauce left. Robert Lambert is a excellent producer of a variety of gourmet speciality items, including chocolate sauces, fruit syrups, and salt-cured citrus. He is set up near Doug at Prather so I see him often and stop by when I have a hankering for something special.
Let me tell you this Mexican chocolate sauce is amazing. It is made with pure 99% cacao with a hint of cinnamon. The day I bought my jar, Robert told me a wonderful story. Earlier that day, a mother had come by with her six year-old son. Her son was severely allergic to milk and did not consume any products that contained milk. So this little boy had never, ever tasted chocolate. But Robert's Mexican chocolate sauce has no milk products, so this little guy got his first taste of chocolate. Of course, it is not a surprise that he asked his mother if they could buy some to take home. What a moment!
Robert can be found at the Marin Civic Center Farmer's Market or at his website, www.robertlambert.com. His Meyer lemon syrup is awesome. I was a little disappointed it had corn syrup in it, not being a big fan of that stuff, but the syrup has a wonderful consistency that I cannot achieve making a simple syrup. I think it also mixes better with it.
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